Featured Paintings
by Aadya Bommineni, Aradhna Praveen, and Shriya Shaji
Hello all, this month we are featuring artwork from artist Hansika Senthil and how she depicted harvest as we welcome the new year!
Vibrant Village
Hansika Senthil
Tyee Middle School
8th Grader
“This painting called “The Vibrant Village” depicts the life of the people living in Indian villages. Some elements of villages in India are farm animals laying about, given as much, or more respect as human beings. These villages, though seemingly having a simpler lifestyle in comparison to a bustling city, provide the essential attribute that ensures the smooth running of the rest of the country; agriculture. As stated previously, farm animals like cows and goats are used across the country in these villages. Additionally, all of the main crops used in our lives are harvested by the inhabitants of these communities through their hard work. ”
- Hansika